Thursday, September 22, 2011


I distinctly remember the day I found out that my hometown was bigger than my neighborhood and the shopping center near my house. That was a big defining moment in my childhood; this was because my world had literally expanded and I was being introduced to so many different parts of life. And since then, all I've been doing is trying to keep my life as simple and close to childish as possible.

Everyday I hear from a different adult telling me that I shouldn't wish to be older, that I will miss out on my adolescence. I come from a pretty sheltered community and staying a kid forever doesn't seem like that bad of an option, especially since next year we will all be our separate ways into the bid world we live in. But everyday we see people and different aspects of the world and changing what was once so innocent and simple into a complex mess.

This blog will discuss many topics, but with a children's frame of thought in mind. With that, the idea of lack of innocence in today's world will continuously be brought up. Sometimes we need to take a step back and remember our childhood and how simple our worlds were. Sometimes we don't see the fact that we've corrupted a very simple and loved perspective, and that's what I hope to point out. I mean, who doesn't love being a kid?

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