Sunday, November 13, 2011

Color in the Lines

Lately I've been doing a lot of arts and crafts. I've been coloring non-stop with all my favorite sharpies and have really improved on my bubble letter skills, but I'm still not very good. But, I've been pushed to the very edge of my artistic limits. See, I've been working on a project since August that involves coloring at least 18 different items. Each of these items must also be unique. Normally I wouldn't be so determined to make everything look so good, but I have an actual artist in my group doing similar work. Because of her, I want everything to look amazing.
Flashback to first grade. I owned the 64 crayon Crayola box and my classmate right next to me owned the 96 crayon Crayola box. I tried so hard to get all my pictures to look like hers, but it couldn't be done. She was using all the crayons that weren't found in the 64 crayon box. It wasn't even that she was a better artist, but she had more opportunities and more options to work with. And now having graduated to markers and sharpies years and years later, I've realized I am just no artist.
Recently I've learned a lot about the perspective of the world and how people approach what they're viewing. My artwork might not be a concise as the girls' next to me, but I've put just as much emotion, or maybe more, into it as she has. The world may view her artwork as better or more skilled, but with background information, maybe someone may realize the perspective I had trying to do similar work. The world doesn't have the same viewpoint about everything, so there is hope for my artwork. There is hope that one day, it might be just as regarded.

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