Sunday, February 12, 2012


Now readers, let's be honest here. Girl Scout Cookies are by far the best cookies out there. Today, we got one of our orders of cookies. We ordered from 3 different little girls, because 1) you can't say no to a little girl, 2) who doesn't love them peanut butter patties. Unfortunately we have already finished one of the boxes of cookies. But other than hearing about my family's eating habits, I'd like to share a little rumor/fact I heard about the girl scout cookie industry. I heard that a very marginal profit goes to the actual Girl Scout company or organization or whatever. I thought the point of the cookies were to fund for the benefit of the little girls participating in Girl Scouts.
I know I could never give up buying these savory treats, but I did start thinking about the ethics of this news. Girl Scout cookies probably bring in the most profits during the year than any fundraiser, and the definitely sell more than the Boy Scout Popcorn, but if they don't even get a nice chunk of the profit, is it worth those girls selling the cookies? Those little girls go from house to house, knocking on doors and trying to be as sweet as they can to sell boxes. Some girls even have their older sisters bring the order form to class to hoax their classmates to buy some.
I understand that this relatively teaches girls how to be better salesmen/saleswomen, but at the end of the day you just get an exhausted little girl. Are the companies just so smart to realize that they can get the most money off of little girls willing to sell sell sell for the satisfaction of selling enough boxes for a t-shirt? Plus, if they're barely getting any money off of it, why do the girls keep selling the cookies?
Personally, it'd be weird calling these cookies anything other than "Girl Scout Cookies", but if those hardworking kids aren't getting any money off of these sales, I'd rather you save them and their parents from walking all around the neighborhood.

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